It was Thursday afternoon and almost 3:30. That made it time to go have a "pop".

Leonard called Duncan to come by his house on the way to the joint. Leonard was recently retired again and he said he was doing some business with his sister. Duncan could swing by to say hello and have a quick "pop" on Leonard- a "pop" being a VO and water.

Since Leonard fixes a healthy pop, they are generally free, and Duncan had not seen the sister for awhile, he decided to accept. Things went fine for a couple of drinks and Duncan said he was leaving for the Riverbend. Leonard's sister was also going so Leonard says he will head on over to the Riverbend as well.

When they get outside the house Leonard tells Duncan he is going to ride in Duncan's car. "OK, Leo," says Duncan. "But you know I'm not staying until 2am. I got to be somewhere at 6 o'clock so I'm leaving about 5:30!"

"No problem," says Leonard. " I'm coming in early tonight myself."

Of course Leonard forgets about the coming in early part. Long after Duncan and the rest of the afternoon crowd have departed, Leonard is sitting alone. He finishes the drink in front of him, leaves a sizable tip, says good night and walks outside. He looks over the parking lot but can't find his Jeep. He walks around the building, but can't find his Jeep. He is getting ready to call the police and report it stolen when a little voice in his head says, "Dummy. You don't need to be talking to the police. Call your wife and let her come get you. Then she can call the police and report the Jeep stolen."

"Good idea." says another little voice.

Leonard goes to the pay phone at the edge of the lot and calls his wife. It is just before midnight and she has been in bed asleep for almost two hours. "Come to the Riverbend and pick me up. Some bastard has stolen my Jeep."

"Leonard, it is the middle of the night. Your Jeep is in the garage, and I'm not getting out of the house to come get your drunk ass." Click. No good bye.

Leonard walks back into the Riverbend. When the bartender looks up Leonard says, "Ol' Buddy, I been thinking I may have had to much to drink to be driving home. How about getting on that phone and calling me a cab. And while we are waiting, set me up another pop!"